Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

Intandem Credit Union is committed to safeguarding your information, and using it in an appropriate manner. Like nearly all commercial websites, we do gather some administrative information from you as you enter our website. However, we do not gather any personal information unless you submit that information through an on-line form, or by e-mail. In order to comply fully with Federal, State and NCUA regulations, we have prepared the following Privacy Statement, and will provide privacy disclosures and updates when required.

Our Privacy Policy is also available.

Information We Collect and Store

For website security and management purposes, we employ software programs to assist us. Security software monitors traffic to prohibit content changes or other damage by unauthorized personnel. Other software programs gather data for use in statistical analysis of the site, which we use to:

  • assess what website information is most and least useful
  • determine technical design specifications
  • identify system performance or problem areas
  • We do not collect any personal information, such as your name or address, during this process. Our website collects no personal information unless you take the initiative to submit that information through an on-line form, or via e-mail.

Specifically, we automatically collect and store only the following information when you visit our site:

  • The Internet domain name. For example, “” if you use a private Internet access account, or “” if you connect from a school’s domain.
  • The IP address from which you access our website. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are navigating around the Internet.
  • The date and time you access our site.
  • The pages you visit, and the result of your if any
  • Other status codes and values resulting from the Web server responding to the request received. Examples include HTTP status code, Windows NT code, number of bytes sent, number of bytes received, time it took to fulfill the request, server port number addresses, and protocol version.
  • We do not use cookies. (A “cookie” is a file placed on your hard drive by a web site that allows it to monitor your visit, usually without your knowledge.) You can set your browser to warn you when placement of a cookie is requested, allowing you to decide whether or not to accept it.

You Choose Whether We Know Who You Are

You control whether or not we collect any of your personal information by choosing, or not choosing to send us that information via an e-mail, or by filling-in and sending us an on-line form. We do not correlate the personal information that you send us with the information that we automatically gather (listed above), and we do not create or maintain personal profiles based on any personal information that you submit.

We might use the personal information that you submit to us when we respond to your questions or comments. Furthermore, we might store your request for future reference as we seek to improve our Web site, and we might forward your e-mail to someone who is better able to respond to your request.

We do not authorize release of the personal information that you submit to us to any third party, without your consent, or unless we are required to do so by law.

Access to Personal Information

Because we do not generally gather or store personal information regarding who visits our site, we do not have a way for you to access the information that we do gather, nor do we authorize third parties to access that information.

Furthermore, we do not have a method by which you can view any personal information that you might have submitted through e-mail or an on-line form. Please contact the credit union or email, if you have concerns about the accuracy of any information that you might have submitted.

Security of The Information That We Do Gather

The information that we gather is stored on the private network of CU*Answers, our data processor and web site host. It is protected by dual redundant firewalls. We do not knowingly supply this information to any outside party unless required to do so by law.


Intandem Credit Union has assigned a staff committee the task of ensuring that we comply with the terms of this policy. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to


This privacy statement applies only to information stored at the Intandem Credit Union web site. To the extent that our site contains links to other sites, affiliated or otherwise, you should not assume that this privacy statement applies to those other sites.