What is holding you back from Success?

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Does it feel like you are doing everything you can, but you don’t seem to be making any progress on your goals? Let’s look at some ideas of where you might be holding yourself back or what changes you can make to help you push forward towards success:

  • Don’t look at someone else’s definition of success. Create your own definition and create a much better assessment of how you are doing.
  • Align what you want with your behavior. Take notice of your unconscious behaviors and see where you might be happy or unhappy. Go to therapy even when you feel like everything is going well. You can find out more about yourself and who YOU want to be.
  • Don’t adhere to the social norms. It is not required to always have a college degree for the position you want. How do you feel about the position you are currently in? What is most important to you to be successful?
  • What is it you want and need? Make decisions based on instincts and what your truths are to create a plan for success.
  • You find yourself in positions that aren’t a good fit for you. What do you want your purpose to be in this world? What problems do you want to solve with your talents?
  • Following advice that you know won’t work for you. It doesn’t matter who the person is giving you the advice, it matters how you will use it and if it will be beneficial or not. Take time to listen but be critical for own success.
  • Don’t stay in your comfort zone. Be afraid to fail and try again.
  • Look at your financial health. The scarcity mindset might be holding you back, but in reality you might have exactly what you need for a safety net to take a risk.
  • Believe in yourself and build your confidence. Don’t worry what others think of you. Seek professional help if you are unsure. Anything can be fixed with the right support.

Look at what you have in place for your goals. It might be a good idea to take inventory of where you are at, if you need to change anything, or ask for help. Let 2022 be a year to grow, with whatever goals you have set for yourself.